Appendix 4 – Proposed Spend Priorities against the New Burdens Award - total £1,069,272



Service/ Initiative

Two-year commitment to

April 2024


Pending confirmation of further year’s funding:

two-year indicative commitment to

April 2024




The provision of more domestic abuse accommodation spaces for women and their children, according to the Council of Europe’s minimum standards (one family place per 10,000 population).


Within current resources

Baseline budget into refuges contract in East Sussex makes provision for 56 units of accommodation (meeting the UK Council of Europe recommendations). Intention is to bring additional 19 units required into operation in Q1 2022/23.

Quality assurance of all accommodation options.

Within current resources

Collaboration with other South East local authorities to establish quality standards for safe accommodation providers.

Community Development Worker to support victims/survivors to actively participate in the design and commissioning of domestic abuse safe accommodation and support services including through the establishment of a pan-Sussex Lived Experience Board.




Post-holder appointed.

Overall costs shared with WSCC and BHCC.

Independent Chair pan-Sussex Domestic Abuse Partnership Board



In progress. Overall costs shared with WSCC and BHCC.

Co-location of Domestic Abuse Advocates in Housing Options Teams



Variation of contract with specialist provider agreed.


ASC MARAC Safeguarding Development Team Officer




MARAC Information Officer




10 dispersed units and floating support for female victims with Multiple, Complex Needs.



This could be increased if further funding is awarded.

Local housing authorities, specialist domestic abuse accommodation providers and support services should holistically support victims/survivors with multiple complex needs and ensure accessibility of services by providing both remote and in-person assessments and support.


Within current resources

For inclusion in the Strategy Action Plan.

Children and Young Person’s support in refuges/ safe accommodation



Proposed variation of contract with commissioned refuges provider.

Whole Housing Approach:

WHA Mobile Advocate (Move-On Pathways)

Flexible Fund

WHA Coordination

Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) accreditation

All victims/survivors and their children should receive a minimum standard of care and support, to include legal aid, move-on assistance, and longer-term IDVA and psychological support.








Pending further consultation with District and Borough local housing authorities to avoid duplication and ensure buy-in.

To include funding to rehouse perpetrators.

Victims/survivors should be able to remain in their home if they choose to, and it is safe to do so, by ensuring Sanctuary Schemes are available in all local authority areas as part of a wider support and safety package. Sussex local authorities will explore options for the re-housing of perpetrators and enforcement of loss of tenancies, alongside promoting domestic abuse perpetrator behavioural programmes.


Within current resources and/or allocation of Tier 2 New Burdens funding

Sanctuary provision mapping exercise in collaboration with District and Borough Councils.


Domestic Abuse Advocate co-located in the MASH




Offers of support should be tailored more directly to older people, including more generic language, broader promotion of support, linking in with other support services and targeted training for front-line professionals who routinely come into contact with older people.


Within current resources

Contract with specialist Domestic Abuse Community Service provider includes comprehensive training programme.

Support and accessibility for disabled victims/survivors including adapting existing facilities, with measures such as installing ramps, increasing ground-floor and step-free units and installing visual fire alarms to assist deaf people.


Within current resources

Contract with refuges provider includes non-recurrent capital funds of £385k to facilitate disabled refurbishments. Current work in progress to create a room for a wheelchair user in one of the refuges.

6 units of safe accommodation for Young People (16 – 25) which are culturally appropriate for anyone fleeing forced marriage and so-called honour-based violence, including couples accommodation where needed. 




This level of investment may not be attractive to the market.

Provision will be culturally appropriate for anyone fleeing forced marriage and so-called honour-based violence, including couples’ accommodation where needed. 

5 x specialist, dispersed, self-contained units of safe accommodation with floating support that can accommodate male victims/survivors of domestic abuse.




Could be procured as one integrated floating support contract. Some rental top-up funds may need to be met within these funding (on top of HB).

5 x specialist floating support and dispersed, self-contained units of safe accommodation that can accommodate LGBTQ+ victims/survivors.




Could be procured as one integrated floating support contract. Some rental top-up funds may need to be met within these funding (on top of HB).

LGBTQ+ awareness training for frontline practitioners.

Within current resources

Contract with specialist Domestic Abuse Community Service provider includes comprehensive training programme.

5 x specialist safe accommodation units for victims/survivors from marginalised ethnic groups, including Black and minoritised ethnic groups, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and those with No Recourse to Public Funds.




Could be procured as one integrated floating support contract. Some rental top-up funds may need to be met within these funding (on top of HB).

Cultural and immigration rights awareness training should be increased for frontline staff and commissioners to better understand the needs of marginalised groups. Training packages will acknowledge the intersection of race, class and gender, amongst other protected characteristics.


Within current resources

Contract with specialist Domestic Abuse Community Service provider includes comprehensive training programme.

Sustainability of Respite Rooms: short-term accommodation for women who are at risk of rough sleeping and who are experiencing domestic abuse.



Sustained for 18 months; with less staffing input and uplift rental costs (on top of HB) matched by D&B – to be negotiated

Data collection quality: clear reporting requirements, unique client identifiers and pragmatic data sharing agreements.

Within current resources

In collaboration with District and Borough Councils.

Housing Teams must be regularly represented at MARAC, alongside other relevant organisations.

Within current resources

For inclusion in the Strategy Action Plan.

Housing application processes should be accessible for those with disabilities, including those with special educational needs or speech, language and communication needs, and include optional in-person appointments and interpretation for a range of languages, including British Sign Language.


Within current resources

For inclusion in the Strategy Action Plan, in collaboration with District and Borough Councils.

Sussex local authorities should promote collaboration in the development of procedures and service models, including move-on pathways and co-located IDVAs. Wherever practical, Sussex authorities should jointly commission domestic abuse safe accommodation and support, to ensure consistency and value for money.


Within current resources

Commitment secured across the three Sussex authorities to align commissioning to enable providers to submit quotes/ tenders that achieve economies of scale.

Awareness and availability of Whole Family interventions should be increased in Sussex.

Within current resources

In collaboration with ESCC Children’s Services.

Trauma-informed practice training packages are developed for frontline practitioners.

Within current resources

Free Trauma Informed Care training commissioned by the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner.

Exploration of the potential for a single point of contact approach for victims/survivors.

Within current resources



Total (additional) spend:




